Thursday, October 4, 2012

Inhale and Exhale with Yoga

Do you feel stressed? Too many things on your mind? Body ailments? Then you need yoga! 

Yoga is great to center your body and mind. You become focused with your breathing and let everything on your mind go. 

In Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism the word yoga means "spiritual discipline." Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years and has been changed over time. 
The physical poses are called asanas which focuses on a breathing technique, meditation and exercise. 

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The best part about yoga is you don't need weights and at the end you can relax! 

Some yoga poses are not recommended for kids but the meditation process is excellent for kids. It helps them concentrate, relax and reduces impulsiveness. When children practice Yoga they learn to manage emotional feelings and cope with stress as they get older. Check out yoga for kids on Activity Tv

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You can walk into a yoga class feeling tense and stressed out. After you are done, you walk out like a different person with a positive outlook on everything. Change your mindset while also exercising. 

Want to know more about yoga? Check out Yoga Wiz. This is a great site for some poses and extra tips on how to improve your balance. 

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, 
Your thoughts become your words, 
Your words become your actions, 
Your actions become your habits, 
Your habits become your values, 
Your values become your destiny."

What do you think of yoga? Have you taken a class recently? Comment below and let us know what you thought!

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